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Wonders of An Education

Every human being begins communication with the surrounding world through the language of tears . The language  babies communicate your needs and desires . In line with the development of physical ability and maturity first related to the process of speech , communication is increasing and widespread , for example, with the surrounding environment and develop with others who are new and are friends with him . There are significant differences between understanding and speaking the language . Languages ​​include all forms of communication , both expressed in oral form . writing , sign language , language of gestures, facial pantomime or art . While the speech is that spoken language is the most effective form of communication , and the most important and most widely used . Language development is always increased with increasing age of the child . Parents should always pay attention to the , because at this time , determine the learning process . It can . done with a good example , to motivate children to learn and . Parents are very responsible board children's learning and should always strive to improve the child's potential in order to develop optimally . In turn, the child will be able to evolve and grow into happy because with communicate with the environment , willing give and receive all things that happen . Language is any form of communication in which thoughts and feelings in order to someone  symbolized meaning to others . By because it , language development starting from the first cry to the child is able to speak the word . Language development is divided into two major periods , namely : period ( 0-1 years ) and Linguistics ( 1-5 years ) .
Body is language has been stated above that one type of language is the language of the body . Body language is the way a person communicates by using the parts of the body , namely through gestures , facial expressions . posture , pace and style is generally called body language . Body language is often done unconsciously . As function of language , body language communication is also an expression of the most real kid , as an expression of their feelings and desires of others , for example the parents ( father and mother ) siblings and other people who can understand or will as child's mind . Through body language of children, parents can study cry whether his hunger , pain , or bored only on certain time.
Talk is one of the most effective means of communication . Since the child is still a baby string realized that by using body language to fulfill their needs . But it does not understand what is meant by a child . Therefore, both the infant and young child always try to make people means . This is to encourage people to learn to speak and prove that speaking is the most effective means of communication compared with other forms of communication are being used before the child articulate . Therefore, for the child to talk not only an achievement but also serve to purpose . Example : child mention it means that child wants to eat .
2 ) Teachers in a variety of his conversation always talk about the child or the child's intelligence intelligence which only emphasizes on the aspects of intellectual and academic achievement . While on the other hand deterioration and the development of social and emotional aspects of the child . Therefore , the learning process should be carried out by teachers , packed with not only involves intellectual ability , but also emphasizes skills and behaviors that reflect the emotional intelligence , so that the relationship between teachers and students become unbalanced and creates learning transactional relationship .
Therefore , this aspect should be developed intelligence in education together , so that the resulting school graduates , not only to understand and know about the cognitive and academic knowledge alone , but they also have the ability in this aspect of emotional intelligence , so it is able to recognize emotions , managing emotions , able to motivate yourself , get to know other people's emotions , and be able to establish relationships with others . Along with this awareness , elementary school ( SD ) should pursue efforts to work on programs related to service teacher education in the learning process students are able to develop behaviors associated with emotional intelligence .
Actions of teachers in teaching that contribute to the development of emotional intelligence in elementary school students , which include :
1 ) . Actions of teachers in teaching that contribute to the ability of emotions student
2 ) . Actions of teachers in learning that contribute to students' ability to manage emotions
3 ) . Actions of teachers in learning that contribute to students' ability to motivate yourself
4 ) . Teacher actions that contribute to the learning ability of students recognize emotions in others
5 ) . Actions of teachers in learning that contribute to students' ability to establish relationships with others . While in development after collecting data , analyzing , and identifying , appearing both as a focus of additional research findings , namely the spontaneous events in the study were a direct response by the teacher , and the learning event that is likely to develop emotional intelligence of students , but ignored or not responded to directly by teacher .


Everyone basically has a creative potential and ability to express themselves creatively in different fields and levels - different . The important thing in education is that creative talent can and should be improved and developed .

Developing creativity with 4P approach
personal ,
Creativity is the expression of the uniqueness of the individual in interaction with the environment . From this unique person expected to arise ideas - new ideas and products - innovative products .
Pusher ,
To realize the creative talents of students needed encouragement and support from the environment ( external motivation ) in the form of appreciation , support , awards , praise , incentives , and encouragement of the student 's own ( internal motivation ) to produce something . Creative talent can thrive in a supportive environment , but can also be inhibited in environments that do not support . Many parents do not appreciate the creative activities of their children and to prioritize the achievement of high academic achievement and gain a high ranking in the class . Similarly, although teachers realize the importance of the development of creativity but with a rigorous curriculum and class by the number of students that much then there is no time for the development of creativity .
process ,
To develop students' creativity , she should be given the opportunity to actively be implicated . Educators should be able to stimulate students to involve themselves in a variety of creative activities . It is important to give students the freedom to express themselves creatively . First - all you need is a process to be implicated themselves creatively without the need to always be fast or too demanding creative product produced meaningful .
products ,
Conditions that allow a person creates a meaningful creative product is personal and environmental conditions , namely the extent to which both encourage a person to involve himself in the process ( busyness , activities ) creative . That should not be overlooked is that educators appreciate the creativity of the product and communicate it to others , for example by showing or display of children's work . It will further arouse the interest of children to be creative .
As a teacher , it is necessary to understand the development of learners . The development of such learners include : physical development , socioemotional development , and leads to intellectual development . Physical development and social development of socio have a strong contribution to the development of intellectual or mental development or cognitive development of students . Understanding of the development of learners above , is necessary to design a conducive learning that will be implemented . The design of a conducive learning will increase student motivation so as to improve the process and the desired learning outcomes .

 1 . Development of Physical Child / student entering first grade or MI is in a period of transition from rapid growth of children's early childhood development to a slower phase . Relatively small size of the child's body changes during the year in elementary school . So the task of educators should provide support for him grows higher with age 9 years sport. Height and weight of boys and girls about the same . Before the age of 9 years girls relatively little shorter and more slender than boys . At the end of fourth grade , the girls typically experience a period of explosive growth . The arms and legs begin to grow rapidly . At the end of fifth grade , girls are generally taller, heavier and stronger than boys . Boys start a growth spurt at the age of about 11 years . Towards the beginning of sixth grade , most girls approached the highest peak of their growth . The period of puberty is characterized by menstruation usually begins at age 12-13 years . Boys entering puberty with ejaculation that occurs between the ages of 13-16 years . As educators we should be reminded that our students are already mature and should do something that should be thought about in advance
2 . Socio- Emotional Development of Children / Students By entering elementary school , children have thinking skills and social influences acting more complex . Up to this time , children are essentially egocentric ( self-centered ) , and their world is a family , his childhood and kindergarten . During the class sit in a small elementary school , the child started confidently but also often low self-esteem . At this stage they began to try to prove that they are " mature " . They feel " I can do the job alone . They possible to be given a task . Should we help in shaping and developing the child's confidence grow They .Concentration on high- grade elementary class . They can devote more time to their chosen tasks , and often they are happy to resolve it . stage also includes the growth of independent action , cooperation with the group , and acted in a manner acceptable way of their environment . they also began to care about the game honest . During this time they also began to assess themselves by comparing it with other people . younger kids use social comparison (social comparison) , especially for social norms and the suitability of particular types of behavior . by the time children grow more and more advanced , they tend to use social comparisons to evaluate and assess the capability of their own . As a result of changes in their physical and cognitive structures , children in large classes in elementary attempt to appear more mature . They want to be treated as a change . Meaningful changes in their social and emotional lives . In a large class of elementary school boys and girls consider participation in the group 's sense of self- worth that . Not accepted in a group can lead to serious emotional problems of their friends friends become more important than ever . The need to be accepted by peers is very high . Teenagers often dressed alike . They expressed their solidarity with the members of the peer group through clothing or behavior . Perceptual activity is basically an introduction to the individual to its environment . All information about the environment to the individual by means of the senses , which passed through sensory nerves to the brain .
There are three perceptual processes :

1 ) Sensation : receipt of information by sensory events receipt. strategy is we must often frequent senses train our students in order to know what activity is going on .

2 ) Perception : interpret the sensory information that is captured by the receiver . The strategy we should be able to train students to process more information than the activity of sensation

3 ) Attention : refers to the selectivity of perception . The strategy we have studied to the students to focus on an object and ignore other objects

Wonders of An Education Rating: 4.5 Post By: Unknown

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